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Saturday, 1 August 2015

Yroo – Earn Real Cash From Yroo & Transfer In Your Bank Account

Hello Readers , Its time to earn some real cash . I m back with a amazing website which pays via Paypal just for referring your friends and doing some simple tasks.


Steps To Earn Real Cash :

1. First Of All, Register Yroo account – Click Here .
2. Now signup using Facebook or Gmail Account.

Note : Don’t sign up with email Id else you will not get referral.
3. After your registeration, you can see 2 Treasure box , one for sign up bonus and another for daily login bonus.
4. Click on both Treasure boxes one by one for free bonus points.
Note: You can earn upto 10,000 points, depends upon your luck.
5. After collecting, sign up and daily bonus points,Now earn more by referring your friends.
6. To refer your friends, goto Friends >> Invite friends from top menu and note down your referral link.
7. Now share your referral link with friends and start earning real Cash.
8. When your friend will join using your referral link, you will be rewarded with more treasures. 
9. To collect your rewards, goto Rewards >> Treasures & open it. You will get upto upto 500 points per referral.
10 Once you reach 10,000 points, you can redeem your for Paypal cash i.e real cash in your Bank account.
You can redeem after reach 10,000 points for $8 Paypal cash. To redeem, click on points from top right corner and select redeem.
Enjoyy and do share with friends

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Configuration After installing, you might want to change these default settings: perPage: 7, numPages: 6, var firstText ='First'; var lastText ='Last'; var prevText ='« Previous'; var nextText ='Next »'; } 1) perPage: how many posts will be shown in each page (7). This value has to be the same as the number of posts on the main page. Otherwise, add the same number by going to "Settings" > "Formatting" and type it in the "Show at most" field, then click on the "Save Settings" button. 2) numPages: how many pages will be shown in the page navigation (6) 3) to replace the 'First', 'Last', "« Previous" and "Next »" texts, just type your own within the quotes. Labels fix: By default, Blogger will show 20 posts on label pages. To make this widget appear on label pages, we will have to cut down this down to the value that we gave for the perPage variable. Find each occurrence of the following code snippet: