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Friday, 7 August 2015

11 Tips and Tricks To Increase Google Adsense earning

11 Tips and Tricks To Increase Google Adsense Earnings

Google Adsense is great revenue earning program from Google which serves contextual ads on your blog or website and if any visitor click on adsense ads then publishers or webmasters get paid for that click and yes it money in your account but this is not the story with most of newbie bloggers as they see very low CPC and CTR which results in low adsense earnings why? because you must be doing certain mistakes which can be avoided to increase your Google Adsense earnings

So If you are servings Google adsense on your blog or website but are frustrated with low CPC and CTR then this post is going to show you best adsense earnings tips and tricks which will increase your adsense income in quickly

How To Increase Google Adsense Earnings Tips

Increase Google Adsense Earnings Tips
How To Increase Google Adsense Earnings

1) Keyword Selection- Keyword selection is first and foremost thing you have to consider while increasing your adsense earnings and this might be the first reason that you see low CPC, select high paying keywords to increase your CPC income you can use Google Adwords to find high paying keywords with the help of CPC column which shows up in Google Adword when you search for any keyword select those keywords which relates with your blog post and has maximum CPC

2) Google Search Box- Many bloggers simply ignore to put adsense for search and this simple trick can help to boost your adsense income Imagine your blog with hundreds of blog posts and when visitor want to find some post then he or she can use adsense for search for finding related blog post and what google search box does it places google ads before showing search results ( You can use maximum of 2 adsense search box on single page)

3) Opt For Text and Image Ads- It has been a debate with text and image ads and which one give better CTR and CPC but regardless of what other think what Google suggest is to opt for both text and image ads to increase your adsense income below is short video from google adsense team which stats importance of text and image ads

4) Blocking irrelevant ads-  How many times you have see ads on your blog which is completely irrelevant with your blog post topic and this will greatly impact your adsense earnings because if your blog topic is about "How to lose weight" but Google is serving "How to Gain Weight" then how relevant is it and how can a visitor in world will click on your ads it completely opposite to what you are blogging about To avoid this you can block certain irrelevant ads from displaying on your blog or website for Allow and Block Ads settings in Google adsense and this will boost your CTR and income

5) Revenue Optimization- This tips will make sure that all your pages which serves adsense ads are accessible by crawlers even I was not aware of this but lately when I was checking my adsense earnings I saw error notification with exclamation mark what you can do here is regularly check for this and if you see any error fix it then and there itself

How To Increase Google Adsense Earnings
How To Increase Google Adsense Earnings

6) Ads Placements- To earn more from adsense you have to put adsense on most visible areas of your blog and best practice is to place ads above fold which increase the chances of getting more clicks as compared to ads places on less visible position best place to put Google ads is below blog post title, after blog post or between content  and also try to align ads to either left or right wrapping content around them ( remember you can only put maximum of 3 adsense for units blocks on one page) as you can see how I placed my ads below and after my blog post

7) High Performing Ads Sizes- Choose high performing ads units on your blog which will increase your adsense income and Google recommends to display ads of size 336×280 (Large Rectangle), 300×250 (Medium Rectangle), 160×600 (Wide Skyscraper) and 728×90 (LeaderBoard).

8) Blend Ads- Don't make look your adsense ads as ads and one way to do this is to blend with your blog background  and link color for example if you are using blue color for all your links make your adsense links also blue this way your visitors will feel they are part of your content and you can get more click and CTR

9) Use Google Analytics- You must be using Google analytics to check your blog stats but do you know one trick that you can use analytics to increase your adsense earnings as well how? Go to your analytics account and see which blog post is getting more traffic and check whether the ads are optimized and placed in best visible position this will surely increase your CTR and your income as well

10) Increase Traffic- And last but not the least tip is to focus on increasing the traffic to your blog or website because if you have more traffic you will have much more click and more revenue from adsense as simple as that

11) Testing- This is most important trick to increase Google adsense earnings always keep on testing and see if one position doesn't works then you can move your ads to other position remember not all blogs and websites are same in terms of design and layout, some position might work well for some blog but its not necessary that it will work for you as well so keep on testing with adsense placements

So these are 11 best Tips and Tricks on How To Increase Google Adsense Earnings and I am sure if you will follow all the above mentioned tips then surely you can increase your adsense income and if you like this post please share with your friends and do tell me if I have missed out any tricks via comments Thanks and Keep Bloggin
- See more at: http://www.bloggingtipsandtricks.com/2014/05/increase-google-adsense-earnings.html#sthash.IH6Shy0c.dpuf

How to Reduce Call Rates on Airtel 50p/min Rate Cutter Free

Bharti Airtel ltd is the biggest and reliable mobile network in India. Everyone knows that Airtel is the best mobile network company in India and there are many users of Airtel network in India but many user moves to other network because of Airtel high calling rates.
If you are a user of Airtel network and want to reduce your call rate then you need call rate cutter plan but for that you need some special recharge to cut your call rate but here I am going to share some tick to reduce your call rate without any special recharge.
I am sharing this trick because I tested it on my own mobile number and it is working for me. You can also try below trick to reduce your Airtel call rate without any special recharge.
Steps to reduce Airtel call rate (Rate Cutter) Free are:-
  • Open your mobile message box.
  • Type YESADV and send to 121.
  • You will get message like below image for confirmation of your message.
airtel rate cutter free
  • After 48 hours the rate cutter 50p/min plan will activate successfully on your mobile and your local and STD call rate will be 50p/min.

How to Update Facebook Status via Devices Apps?

Have you ever wondered to update your Facebook status via IPhone, Blackberry without any devices? Sometime you would have seen your friend’s status via blackberry, IPhone and other devices and you also want to update your status like that but you don’t have any devices then what would you do.
Today I am going to share the trick to update your Facebook status via different app on Facebook like blackberry, Samsung, Android, Xperia and more. This trick is very simple and you don’t need to do any extra efforts to update your status via any application on Facebook. Follow my simple steps and update your Facebook 

Steps to Update Facebook status via any Devices:

Follow below steps and update your Facebook status via any devices apps:
1)      First of all Login your Facebook Account.
2)      Go to FBStatusVia
3)      Here you can see lots of applications. To update status via any apps just click any apps which one you want.
4)      Now a Popup page will appear on front of you and select your apps again here.
5)      Now, you can see Post to Facebook option here via your devices (apps).
6)      Write the status and click on Share button.
7)      Done!! Your status updated via apps.
8)      Now you can see your status on your Facebook wall via your app.status via any apps.                This trick is very nice to update your status via any costly devices like IPhone 5, Galaxy, blackberry and more. Update your Status Via any apps and impress and daze your friends.
If you are still having trouble to update your status via any apps or devices then please comment below we will solve your problem ASAP. If you have any tricks and tips so you can share here and we will give trick credit to you. For more tips and tricks you can subscribe our blog and like us Facebook for latest tricks.

Earn Free Mobile Recharge by Downloading android apps

Earning free recharge by download android apps is not bad idea to get free mobile recharge. Today almost peoples are using smart android phone and also using internet on their mobile, so if you want to get free mobile recharge then follow below steps.
There are lots of free mobile recharge apps available on Google play store but here I am going to share my best apps where you can get free mobile recharge by downloading apps.

First Mobile Recharge Android App: Free Rs 100 Mobile Recharge

First of all download & install Free Rs 100 Mobile Recharge android app on your android mobile and just complete all the simple offers of this application and you can get Rs.100 mobile recharge voucher every week.
Free Rs 100 Mobile Recharge
Free Rs 100 Mobile Recharge
You can earn here by downloading, filling up surveys and playing games and much more. This application provides free mobile recharge, Free Talktime, free mobile apps, free discounts, free offers and other rewards.
This app support only prepaid mobile recharge on following mobile networks: Airtel, Aircel, Idea, Reliance GSM/CDMA, Vodafone, Uninor, Tata Docomo, BSNL, Loop Mobile, Videocon, MTS.
If you don’t like this application then you can earn via playing games and offers in the application. This is one of the best free online Mobile Recharge application which is working fine for me.

Second Mobile Recharge Android App: Barpy Free Mobile Recharge

This is my second best free mobile recharge apps which gives you mobile recharge on downloading app from this application and reading emails/newsletter.
Barpy Free Mobile Recharge
Barpy Free Mobile Recharge
This app allows you to install some apps liker Flipkart, SnapDeal etc. and in exchange gives free mobile recharge balance upto Rs.10. If you will download Flipkart app from this application then you can earn Rs.7 and more.
Here you can earn Rs.0.1 (1 paise) for reading email and newsletter from your email account. Follow below steps to get free mobile recharge balance.
1)      Register with valid email account detail.
2)      Login and click on start earning button.
3)      Select any apps and click on apps button.
4)      Install the app and this app will verify whether the app is installed or not.
5)      Money will be credited on your wallet within a day.
6)      You can redeem your money any time from wallet and after redeem request you will get recharge within a day and enjoy free talktime.
You can find more app in Google play but above apps are working fine for me. Here is an app name isMobiKwik is giving Rs.60 on signup. You can use this app also to get free mobile recharge. MobiKwik is a good app because my one friend earned Rs.90 by using this app.
Share this post to your friends and help them to get free mobile recharge balance. If you like this post subscribes our blog or like us on Facebook.

How to convert Facebook profile into a Fan Page?

Hello friends, have you wonder ever about Facebook profile conversion into your fan page?  Well today, I gonna show you how can you convert your Facebook profile into a Fan Page. Before doing this I want to share something aboutThis process is called Facebook Profile migration to Facebook fan page. When you will convert your personal profile account into a Facebook Fan page by default a business account will be created to manage your Facebook Fan Page. In this process

  • Facebook will transfer your current profile picture and add your all friends and Followers as people who liked your fan page.
  • Your Facebook account’s username will become your Fan page username.
  • Your Facebook Name will turn into your Fan page name. If you want a Facebook Fan page with different name then you need to create new one.
  • No content will be left in your New Facebook Page after Migration (Conversion) of your Facebook Profile. So, be sure to save the important content before conversion.
  • After conversion of your Facebook Profile into a Fan Page you can’t manage your personal groups.


How to Migrate (Conversion) Facebook profile into a Fan Page?

If you are ready to Migrate (Convert) you Facebook profile into a Fan Page then Click  Below Link

After click on link you will see the screen like this it.    Now, proceed the process of Facebook Profile Migration to Fan Page. Before doing these steps be sure and read Facebook warning.
I hope this tutorial help you to migrate (convert) Facebook Profile into Facebook Fan Page.                                                                                    

How to Increase Android Device Battery Life Automatically?

Hello friends, I am back with new android tips for your android device to increase your device battery life. Previously I share other android tricks and tips like best android apps for studentshow to play android apps and games in computer and more.
Today I am going to share very nice trick to save or increase your battery life.  I used this tricks and I found it’s very nice for all android users that’s why today I am going to share this trick with you. Just read this blog post anHere we will use an android app  Battery Doctor developed by KS Mobile. Below are some cool features of this android application.

Feature of Battery Doctor application

Here below are some nice features of this android application:
1)      This application will remove your all apps when screen would be off
2)      It will disable all unnecessary apps from your android device
3)      You can kill all tasks by click on task killer.
4)      It will show correct battery remaining and charging time.
5)      You can schedule power saver mode any time.
6)      You can control your device Brightness by brightness controller.
7)      Bluetooth/Wi-Fi/data toggle
8)      Get free Charging tips here
9)      Manage your device CPU by CPU Management.
10)   Check your battery temperature by this App.
save battery life
Download this app from here. Just Click this download button and download this cool android app for your android device.
Download Battery Doctord increase your android device battery life automatically.

Create your own android app free

How to Create Android Applications Online Free?

Have you ever wondered to make your own android application online free or want to turn your own or favorite website into an android application? If you don’t know how to do so don’t worry today I am going to teach you how to do it easily.
Making own android application online quite easy if you have your own website and you can use your favorite website to get latest update.  Here we will use an online tool appsgeyser to make android application which helps you to turn your website into android application easily without any coding and programming knowledge.
Appsgeyser have many option to make android application. You can make application for your own website, Browser, Wallpaper, photo album, News, Uploading zip content, YouTube, HTML Copy & Paste and much more. . Let’s start how to use appsgeyser read below simple steps.                                                                                                                                                                                                    

Steps to make android Application:

1)      First of all go to appsgeyser.com
2)      Click on Create Now! Button
3)      Now choose here what type of application you want to make. Here I am going to create website app. So I will click on Website button.
4)      Now Fill the form and Click on CREATE APP button.
5)      Now signup here you can use your Facebook to connect.
6)      Done! Your Android application is created successfully.
7)      Download .APK file and use it on your mobile.
8)      You can Share your android application on Google Play store but Google charge you to store application and Google play store only $25.
9)      You can earn via your own android application for per download from Google Play store.
10)   You can monetize your android application on appsgeyser also to earn money.       

How to Increase RAM of Android Mobile Phone or Tablet using Memory/SD Card

Getting slow performance of your android mobile phone or tablet always frustrate us when we get this type of message “Memory Full, Delete or move some data from Phone memory” or “Memory Low” in our Android mobile phone or tablet.
Now day everyone using android mobile phone or tablet because they are easy to use and have lots of features but the problem comes when our android mobile phone or tablet performing slow and show the message like above about low memory or not enough memory in Phone memory.
Android update their versions after some time with new and good feature and they have less problem like RAM memory but if you are using old version of android mobile or device then you may get this types of problems.
There are some reasons of slow performance of Android mobile devices like Low RAM, Low internal memory of your mobile phone or low processer speed. So, what can you do to increase or expend your phone memory or RAM? Below are some tips and tricks to increase or Expend your Android mobile phone or tablet RAM.
How to increase Android Mobile Phone or Tablet RAM using App?
Here we will use and android application which is available on Google Play store and you download it free for your android mobile phone or tablet. This app will make a partition on SD Memory card to use it as memory of phone. Okay let’s start to use this app
  • Download the app Free: – ROEHSOFT RAM Expander (SWAP)
  • Install it on your android mobile phone or tablet.
  • Now you need to create swap file for that click on Swap activate & Enable it
  • Click on Activate Swap.
  • All done
By following above steps you can increase your Android Mobile phone or tablet Memory easily.
How to increase Android Mobile phone or tablet RAM Manually?
We can increase android mobile phone or tablet RAM manually without using any android app. So, follow below steps to increase your android device RAM. Below are some requirements to increase android mobile phone RAM.
  • You need SD Memory Card (Blank memory) and card reader.
  • Rooted android Mobile phone or tablet.
  • A computer.
Now follow below steps to increase your Android mobile Device Memory Manually:
  • Download this software on your computer: MiniTool Partition Wizard
  • Install the above software on your computer
  • Insert your SD Memory card on your computer using card reader.
  • Open MiniTool Partition Wizard software on your computer.
  • Format your SD memory card by using MiniTool Partition Wizard.
  • Now Right click on SD Memory card and make Partition then select partition as primary & Files system as FAT32 for memory card.
  • Leave at least 1GB memory for the next partition of Memory.
  • Complete before partition then again click on partition option and select primary partition and change file system to EXT2. EXT3 and EXT4.
  • Now just click on apply changes option and you have create partition of your SD memory card successfully.
  • Now you have link your Android mobile phone or device (Rooted device)
  • Download Link2SD on your android mobile phone device from Google Play store.
  • Now Launch the Link2SD app and give root permission and choose .EXT partition.
  • Now start Linking.
Now follow below steps to Increase Android mobile phone or tablet device RAM:
  • Download Swapper for Root
  • Install and launch the app and select the amount of RAM you want to increase.
  • This app will create a file .swp and it will increase the RAM of your android mobile phone device.
Swapper for Root
  • All Done.
Follow all the above steps carefully and increase the RAM of your android mobile phone and tablet device by using android application and manually method.

How to Earn money 100$ By Blog Commenting & Forum Posting?

Did you know about making money with blog commenting and forum posting? Yes you heard right anybody can earn $5 to 100$ per months at home. It’s very easy and best way to earn money by posting comments and forums. Previously I share how you can earn money via adf.ly and Freelancing service you can read also for more online earning.
Today I am going to share the trick to make 100$ per months at home if you are interested then you should read this post. Okay friends there is no surveys, offers and other annoying task here you have to post comments and Forums for blog & forum owners.
The website is PostLoop where the blog and forum owners come for more visitors and they are willing to pay for blog commenting and forum posting via PostLoop. Let me explain how PostLoop work and how you can earn 100$ per month.
How to PostLoop work?
The Process of PostLoop is very simple. First of all you have to prove yourself as a good commenter and poster so you have to create 10 unique blog posts on PostLoop after that PostLoop will review your posts if you they like your posts then they will approve your post that means you are passed your test. Now subscribe some blogs and forums and make a comment.
You can write your blog on any topics like computer tips and health etc. For every post you will get some points and if other members will rate your post then you can subscribe more blogs and forum then comment here and earn more. It’s very interesting and easiest way to earn if you like commenting on blog and forums.

How Will Get Paid?

PostLoop is Point based system that means if you will earn 100 point then you will get 5$. As I said above you will get points for every posts. You can withdraw money with your PayPal account.
If you are a student then you can try this awesome website for your extra earning and it’s very good website for blog commenters for extra online earning at home without any technical knowledge

Infolinks: The best Google AdSense alternative

Infolinks is an online advertisement platform which is one of the best Google AdSense alternative advertisement platforms. Infolinks is best Google AdSense alternative according to personal experience in last 7 days.
Infolinks is best Google AdSense alternative advertisement platform because this is my personal experience in last 7 days and I never tried before it. I tried Infolinks when I got a warning from Google AdSense and I removed all the ads from my website.
After removing Google AdSense I didn’t monetize Infolinks in my website because I thought Infolinks is not a good source of online earning but someone told me he is earning 2 to 3$ daily from Infolinks. So, I just tried Infolinks just for a test to see how much I can earn from Infolinks.
I just create an account in Infolinks via Facebook signup option because I am lazy to fill a form and put a JavaScript code which is generated from Infolinks. Infolinks approved my website in just one day and I got Infolinks account approval mail in my Email id which one I used in Facebook because I create account via Facebook option.
After approval of Infolinks publisher account Infolinks Tag advertisement showing on my website and I forget about Infolinks but after one week when I checked my Infolinks account and the result was unbelievable because Infolinks payment good amount not like Google AdSense but better than others.
Today I can say Infolinks is Best Google AdSense alternative program. So, go ahead and try Infolinks if you have good traffic on your website and Google didn’t approve your website or your Google AdSense account is banned.
Bellow I am going to show you my Infolinks earning which is good for you if you have good traffic and earn more online.
Infolinks is good source of online earning and you can get Infolinks account easily because here you don’t need much traffic and don’t have lots of rules. Here you can create account with your Facebook account and you will get approval email in your email.
You can earn extra from Infolinks if you have good traffic. You should try Infolinks if you don’t have Google AdSense account and have good traffic in your website. Don’t use popup advertisement website because it’s increase your website bounce rate and users don’t like that type of website.

How to Earn Money online with pop under ads

Everyone wants to earn money online but they don’t have any idea to work online and don’t know how to deal online. Earning online money is quite simple if you have ideas then you can earn huge money every day or month.
You can earn money online if you have a blog or website, making money online is easy when you have a blog. You can make free blog on blogger.com or can purchase your own domain to start a brand new blog. There are several ways to earn money online like Google AdSense, media.net, Infolinks, affiliate marketing, paid posting and more but when your website isn’t compiling with their policies and they never approve your ads request then you can earn money with pop under ads.
There are many Pop under ads website like popads.net, adcash.com and more but before you apply for the pop under ads, make sure you have good traffic your blog. If you have good traffic on your blog then can earn huge money with pop ads and other ads.
You can earn 1$ per thousand visits, now you can assume how much money you can earn daily if you at least 20k daily visits then you can earn around 10 to 20 $ daily depend on your traffic location. If you have good traffic from Europe countries then you can earn 15 to 20$ daily on 20k visits.
pop ads earning proof
pop ads earning proof
How to Get Pop under ads Publisher account
I know this question is arising in your mind but getting Publisher account in Pop Under ads network is easy you can get instant approval or have to wait some days. You can start instant earning via pop under ads which is a good feature to earn instant.
Remember: Before you apply and Pop under ads network don’t forget to read their reviews and payment proof because there are lots of online scammers. After reading reviews you can create account in pop under network websites.
How to add Pop Under ads on website or blog
Almost all the pop under ads network have a java script code and you can add the java script code in your website footer section and you don’t need to do anything.
Pop Under Ads is good for gaming, application, videos type websites and you can add any website but don’t use pop ads network if you don’t have good traffic because visitors don’t like pop ad
Configuration After installing, you might want to change these default settings: perPage: 7, numPages: 6, var firstText ='First'; var lastText ='Last'; var prevText ='« Previous'; var nextText ='Next »'; } 1) perPage: how many posts will be shown in each page (7). This value has to be the same as the number of posts on the main page. Otherwise, add the same number by going to "Settings" > "Formatting" and type it in the "Show at most" field, then click on the "Save Settings" button. 2) numPages: how many pages will be shown in the page navigation (6) 3) to replace the 'First', 'Last', "« Previous" and "Next »" texts, just type your own within the quotes. Labels fix: By default, Blogger will show 20 posts on label pages. To make this widget appear on label pages, we will have to cut down this down to the value that we gave for the perPage variable. Find each occurrence of the following code snippet: